Terms and Conditions
Richard Bevan Man and Van Terms and Conditions
One Man and One Van
You will be hiring a van with one man (Richard Bevan)
If extra manpower is needed you will need to find the helper’s
Van Payload
650 kg
No House Moves, Tip Runs or Rubbish Removals
Phone 07422910927, Send Text Message, IM WhatsApp, Contact email
Providing parking is the responsibility of the customer
If there are restrictions eg: yellow lines, red routes, residents only and such like then the customer must obtain a permit from the local council… If this is not possible, please find out in advance where the closest legal parking is available… if parking is legal try to reserve a space for Richard Bevan Transport outside before he arrives or call the local council and get a suspension or permit (where necessary) if there is no parking pre-arranged any parking fines received will be the responsibility of the customer and must be paid by the customer on completion, however Richard Bevan Transport will not park illegally and may have to leave if legal parking is not provided.
Working Hours
Monday – Friday | 9:00 AM — 5:00 PM |
Saturday | 10:00 AM — 2:00 PM |
Sunday | Closed |
Out of hours collections will cost more money
Payment Requirements
Preferred method of payment is Bank Transfer.
Card Reader is an alternative
Payment is expected on the day the job is done.
You can also pay by cash to Richard Bevan Transport on the day. If you do pay cash please have the money ready in advance.
Arrival / Delivery Times / Cancellations
Richard Bevan Transport will do his best to arrive within the time scale stated, however arrival times are estimated. Delays to pick-up/delivery times are sometimes unavoidable (due to traffic accidents, weather etc).
Richard Bevan Transport has never let a customer down!
However, he does not accept any responsibility for any customer losses due to unforeseen/unexpected delivery/pick-up delays or cancellations. If due to unforeseen circumstances such as the weather, sickness etc, Richard Bevan Transport have to cancel your removal he will try to give at least 48 hours notice where possible, if cancellation is necessary, he may be able to rebook you for a later date.
Loading and Unloading: Your Responsibilities
It is your responsibility to help Richard Bevan load and unload the van or to provide a suitable person/persons to help do so!
Richard Bevan will load and unload the van at the closest point to the front door, he will not place items in specific rooms for you or rebuild dismantled items.
Waiting Time
Unless otherwise arranged, waiting time will be charged at £10 per 15 mins.
Waiting time includes; key collection, contract signing, late arrival of the customer, items not ready to load, customer not present at either end and any time when loading/unloading is not taking place.
Awkward Access
You may incur extra charges if you have not informed Richard Bevan of awkward access. Awkward access can include, no vehicle right of way, steep hills, narrow roads, no parking available in close proximity to the property, cramped stairs and hallway conditions where large items of furniture such as sofas will not fit, more than one doorway and corridor to pass through, having to go through rear access over court yards etc. It is the responsibility of the customer to inform Richard Bevan of any awkward access, steep, narrow roads, low hanging trees, steep drives etc which may be encountered in the vicinity of their properties or local town / village, these kinds of awkward access may require a smaller van to gain closer access and may incur extra costs.
Your Packing Responsibilities
Richard Bevan accepts no responsibility for damage or breakage to items that have not been packed / protected by adequate means, furniture items should be wrapped in strong cardboard (or other suitable wrapping material), to prevent extremities / knobs/ legs and the like sticking out and being damaged or causing damage to other items, Richard Bevan will not take old carpets and rugs unless they are wrapped in plastic and sealed so as to avoid the spread of carpet moths and the like. It is the customer’s responsibility to provide insurance cover for their items. It is the customer’s responsibility to dismantle any unit/system/flat pack furniture and beds and this should be done before Richard Bevan Transport arrival (unless dismantling is pre-arranged with Richard Bevan). It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure that items will fit in the new premises (eg: size of sofa and size of aperture – use a tape measure to find out if large/awkward items fit). Richard Bevan will not remove doors or windows in such cases and it is up to the customer to organise a specialist if needed.
Staff Abuse
Verbal or threatening behaviour will not be tolerated. If Richard Bevan Transport is forced to leave the job because of abuse from the customer verbal or otherwise the customer will still be liable to pay in full.